
There is more to life than we'll ever know.
There are so many places
There are so many faces
There are so many signs and wonders
It would be too selfish of us to think
We are the chosen ones

I miss some people that died
I miss some people that don't
I miss some people that hate me
I miss some people that I don't know

And yet i was about to say once again that
I miss the future I had design for my own

You see, life is so temporary
that death becomes larger than life
The silence I hear now is an echo
of the presence of the almighty One

Perhaps the worst wounds are those made
by our beloved ones
but what about the wounds that were taken for each one of us?
Do we still remember?

Do we still remember that love and repentance are bound together in our existance
and if they're not, well, there is something wrong.

Smile, tomorrow will be worse
So what?

Like I said before
There is more to life than we'll ever know
That's why I quit on holding grudges, held the hand of my savior, and started , then, to savour life abundantly.

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I'm a friendly simple guy, who loves Music, Graphik and Motion arts, history, drinking, explosives among many other things. - You can find more about me and my works in the link lists on my weblog, sorted by kind, or special features. Thank you for passing by! *and for the record, if you don't like what you read or see here, be my guest and get f*cking lost. Cheers, J.